Sooooo, this is gonna be epic.
Marvel's new Astonishing Line is I think a genius move. It's an opportunity for them to do what makes Marvel great. To make truly great comics. Epic stories by the worlds greatest writers drawn by the most brilliant artists of our time.
I'm not exceedingly versed in Rob Rodi's work but Loki with Esad Ribic was awesome so I'm sure he'll handle The God of Thunder well. As you can see Esad is doing the cover's for Astonishing Thor......a resounding Yay.
The art on this project is sure to melt your face off with Drawesomeness. Mike Choi is a young version of some future hero of the comic art world. I'm sure 50 years from now our kids will all be in line at the one con a year he goes to getting X-Force signed and bowing down in awe. Him drawing Thor is going to be a magical thing to see. I've seen his Thor before as well as aspect's of the Asgaurdian world in X-Force, he and colorist Sonia Oback handled it with a grace and power that made what could have been simple side story for character resolution into a shakespearian epic that brought the book a weight I think it may have lacked from lesser creators.
Astonishing Spider-man & Wolverine has reached it's second issue and I'm more than happy with that product. And who can forget Whedon & Cassaday's X-Men. All evidence leads me to believe this will be one of the greatest comics ever made, aside from an mind exploding Thor story.
Point being, buy this, read it and enjoy some Mighty Thor goodness in it's most pure form.
Peace and may you all see Valhalla
Joe Kertesz