Be happy Be Happy.
I try to tell myself this alot.
Often while drawing I find myself in need of some creative fuel. The creation
machines in my head require it in order to function for long periods of time.
Those are an entirely different conversation though.
Anyway I popped open me iTunes, clicked over on Movies and after spending way
too long staring at the categories thought to myself "OH I KNOW WHAT TO WATCH.
IIIIIIT'S ANIME TIME!!!" It was loud in my head like that too. That's what the
whole all caps thing meant.
In case yuh.....didn't..............get.....that.....sooooo anywaaaay.
I find myself watch the trailer for TEKKONKINKREET.
Which grabs me subtly by the hand and leads me into the most beautiful garden
of sweet delicious Anime apple trees I have had the pleasure of walking through
in years.
I won't spill any details for fear of ruining you Journey into the would of
Black & White. Great characters. GREAT Guuuuhhreat characters.
It's nice to know art like this is being made.
I think about the crazy future human psyciarcheologists that will crack open
some ancient art laboratory 10,000 years from now. They'll stumble in and trip
over my decaying yet still extremely attractive, which I'm sure one of them
will mention, remains before reaching my desk, popping up my iTunes and watching
this. That thought makes me happy. I'm glad this film will be there to speak for us.
Be happy. Be happy. That is the message of this Masterpiece.
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